Tunnel 1
Tunnel 2
Tunnel 3
Between 3&4

Tunnel 4

North of Tunnel 4
RGHQ 9.2

Here are the next bays on the left. We have already walked past some of them at this point, so we go back to where we left off last time.
There are more photos of these areas in the 'North of Tunnel 4' section.


Drakelow bay 63
One of many toilet blocks. In the 1940's the area behind the wall was part of the RAF Stores. In the '60s the same area was Maintenance and Signals and in the 1980's The PSA offices.

Drakelow Comms Passage
This passage runs along the 1960's Comms area. More pics of this area in the North of Tunnel 4 section.

Drakelow Bay 65
This Bay was part of the RAF stores area in the 1940's, Ministry of Power and Fire Service in the RSG, but in the 1980's was outside the RGHQ area the wall at the end being the back of the RGHQ.
Drakelow RSG
This room was the Committe Room in the 1960's RSG. Now destroyed by nature and vandals. More photos of this area in the North of Tunnel 4 section
Drakelow RSG
This first room was the secretaries office from the RSG era. Other RSG offices behind it included the Regional Commissioners office. More photos of this area in the North of Tunnel 4 section.
Drakelow RGHQ passage
This bay leads to the 1980's RGHQ which was originally sealed off here but is now accessible. In the 1960's it housed several ministries: Ministry of Health, Treasury and Ministry of Supply,Board of Trade and Ministry of Works. In WW II it was part of the RAF Stores. When you return to the main Tunnel 4 page this is the brightly lit passage on the left.


© 2009 J.R.Bryan

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