Tunnel 1
Tunnel 2
Tunnel 3
Between 3&4

Tunnel 4

North of Tunnel 4
RGHQ 9.2

Here are the bays on your right. Remember we have turned around so that these are now the areas to the north of Tunnel 4.
The areas to this side of Tunnel 4 will be covered in more detail in the section 'North of Tunnel 4'. All of these areas were part of the RAF Stores in the 1940's and the RSG in the 1960's and 70's.

We will start after the last passage you saw on this side and work up to the eastern end of Tunnel 4.


Drakelow RSG
Looking north towards the 1960's RSG's BBC studios. This space was occupied by The Ministry of Works, Ministry of Transport and The Central Office of Information in the 1960's/70's.
T4 Bay 70
In the RSG era this was the entrance to the toilets and Female Dormitory.
male dorm
This was the Male Dormitory for the RSG.In this view we have passed through the doorway from Tunnel 4. I hope to find a shot of the doorway as seen from Tunnel 4


© 2009 J.R.Bryan

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