Paul Stokes


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Drakelow Unearthed - (Original Version)

The secret history of an underground complex

By Paul Stokes

ISBN 0 904015 40 8

This Version Is Now Out Of Print
See revised edition


Introduction - From Rover to RSG9

A general introduction to the site and my interest in it.

1844-1941 - The Blakeshall Estate and World War 2

Description of the site prior to the construction of the factory including photographs of the village that was
demolished to make way for it. The lead up and commencement of the construction.

1942-1950's - 'The Rover'

Completion of the construction. Description and photographs of the Rover shadow factory,
plans of the 1940's factory layout and photographs of the remnants of the factory.

1958-1980 - RSG 9

The conversion of the facility into a R.S.G. in the 1960's. Including plans of a 1960's/1970's layout.
( It was rearranged a few times during this period ),
photographs of the exterior during this period and photographs of the remnants of the R.S.G. areas.

1980's -1993 - RGHQ 9.2

Remodeling of the site in the 1980's to house the new R.G.H.Q. for defence region 9 and up to the end of the R.G.H.Q's.
Includes plans of the 1980's layout and photographs of the R.G.H.Q. as it was.


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