Tunnel 1
Tunnel 2
Tunnel 3
Between 3&4

Tunnel 4

North of Tunnel 4
RGHQ 9.2

Here are the bays on your right. We have already gone past some of them so we back track to start after the last bay you saw on this side.
The areas to this side of Tunnel 4 have been covered in the section 'Between tunnels 3 & 4'.


Drakelow Batt room
Looking across past Battery Room West towards Tunnel 4
In the RSG era this was the Signals Stores
Inside the Signals Stores. You have seen the areas on the other side of the wall in the 'Between Tunnels 3 & 4' section.
Drakelow stationery store
In the RSG era this was the Stationery Stores. You have seen the areas on the other side of the wall in the 'Between Tunnels 3 & 4' section.
Drakelow Messengers
In the RSG this bay was for the Regional Commissioner's Messengers. In the centre of the wall is a 'Butler's Board' When someone called for a messenger a tag would drop down to indicate where they were required. When you return to the main Tunnel 4 page this is the brightly lit passage visible on the right.


© 2009 J.R.Bryan

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