In the second area north of Tunnel 4. We are again looking at the remains of part of Rover's office area from WWII.
In this section the remains are predominantly those from the RSG era, although in many cases they often re-used Rover's rooms with only minor alterations.
To best understand this area you need to use the WWII plans on page 12 of Drakelow Unearthed - Revised Edition (Page 10 of the original version)
in conjunction with the 1960's plans on page 20 (Page 16 in the original version.)



Drakelow Tunnels 4th bay in T4
This is the 4th Bay on the left as you move up Tunnel 4. In WWII it was the Savings Office, Wages Office and Purchase dept. In the RSG era it was a Female Dormitory. The writing "Medical Centre Ward" is still a mystery.
wages office
Inside the Wages Office, looking through to the Purchase Department. The Savings Office is shown on the plans as a small office inside this space to the right. It no longer exists.

The next bay starts with this the WWII Payout Office.
Drakelow Tunnels PSA
Moving down the same bay its RSG usage becomes obvious, after passing a store room you would have seen this sign.

Entering the control room and looking back at the door. The masses of paper strewn around are mostly paper temperature and humidity recording rolls dating back to the 1950's. We found a few interesting documents in here too.

Drakelow PSA controls
Looking at some of the control panels in the PSA Room. These were for the boilers and ventilation fans.
Drakelow PSA2
Another view of the same room. The temperature recording equipment is on the right. Sadly the equipment in this room was badly vandalised a few years later.

We have now moved back to tunnel 4. The next bay is bricked off at this end. In WWII it was a Concert Hall. In the RSG era it was a Womens Dormitory. In the 1980's RGHQ it continued its role as the Women's Dormitory.
T4 toilet
The next bay is also bricked off close to this end. In WWII it was part of the RAF Stores, In the RSG it was Maintenance and Signals and now on the other side of the wall is the PSA office and other offices in the RGHQ. The toilet block was in use during WWII and for the RSG.
Drakelow Tunnel 4 comms passage
The next bay along Tunnel 4 is accessed along this narrow passage. The bay being divided into several rooms on the left. During WWII this was part of the RAF Stores. No evidence remains from that era. In the RSG era it was the communications centre. In 1980's it was outside the area used by the RGHQ.
In the 1960's plans on page 20 of Drakelow Unearthed this is room 'J' MDF (Main Distribution Frame)

In this view of the ceiling of the same room you can see the large number of telephony cables that used to enter here.

On to the next room. Inside a table, two chairs and an empty safe with its back ripped off.
On entering the room shown above you can see that on the other side of the room are these drawer units and a cabinet. The drawers were mostly empty except for sales literature from various suppliers and telephone directories. The cabinet held sample tiles and other assorted junk. There were no interesting documents in here.

telephone switch room
The next room was small and empty except for a chair (I am still trying to find a photo to add), so we move on to the room marked 'G' on the plan which was labeled as Telephone Switch Room. Strangely there is no evidence of telephone switch equipment in here though. Here we are looking 'South'.

Telephone switch room
Turning to face 'North' in the same room. You can see a slot, presumably used for passing messages betewwn the rooms.
last room
The final room in this row is room 'F' in the plan - 'Welfare Signals' is on the other side of the slot seen in the last shot. This room is 'truncated' by the wall that divides off the 1980's RGHQ.




© 2010 J.R.Bryan

All images on this page are protected under copyright law. They may not be reproduced in any form or location electronically or in print without prior written permission from the copyright owner.

Tunnel 1
Tunnel 2
Tunnel 3
Between 3&4

Tunnel 4

North of Tunnel 4
RGHQ 9.2

Drakelow Unearthed - Revised Edition
Available in ebook format
from Amazon