Continuing our tour of the 1980's RGHQ areas.

During WWII these areas were partly Rover's offices and admin and partly RAF stores. In the 1960's they were part of the RSG. From the 1980's they were the areas chosen to house the Regional Government Headquarters.
It is easier to understand this area by following the plans on pages 26-27 of Drakelow Unearthed - Revised Edition (Pages 22-23 of the original version).




On the previous page we finished in the Water Supply Room.
We now leave the Water Supply Room and head back into the RGHQ
Drakelow Tunnels second Avenue
Turn left at the end of the previous corridor to see a guy treating and painting the wall. The passage you just came down can just be seen on the left of the photo.
There are more photos of this area somewhere. If I find them I'll add them here. For example I'm sure we have a shot of the area directly behind us
/Drakelow Tunnels Second Avenue
Turn to the right to look back at Second Avenue. On the left is first the medical centre and then the canteen. On the right the female dormitory
Drakelow Tunnels second avenue
The entrance to the medical centre. Along the right hand side these rooms were probably small wards.
Drakelow Tunnels Second Avenue
Continue to the end of the corridor and into the surgery/operating theatre.

Drakelow Tunnels Second Avenue
Another view of the surgery. The door on the right is a toilet. We can continue through the double doors ahead.

Drakelow Tunnels Uniformed Services
This lobby is a dead end. Off it there is a toilet/sluce room and what was probably a linen store.
Drakelow Tunnels Uniformed Services
Back to Second Avenue.
Drakelow Tunnels Uniformed services
The next left leads into the RGHQ's canteen. Here laid out ready for a tour. The tables and many of the chairs are the original ones. Some of the tables even still had their original packaging!

Drakelow Tunnels 2nd Avenue
I am still trying to locate photos of the women's dormitory, so for now we will continue past and look north towards Adit B. You may remember that we came through the door on the right earlier. Behind us are the P.S.A.'s offices. Again I am trying to locate photos to add. For now we will continue straight ahead.

Drakelow Tunnels @nd Avenue
As the corridor opens out again we see some of the exhibits. The two chairs and the small table came from another cold war secret site known as Anchor. If we go through a doorway just to the left of the exhibits we enter the back of the kitchens.
Drakelow Tunnels Uniformed Services
Here's the crew in the kitchen preparing for a tour. They are facing into the canteen that you saw earlier.
There are other areas to add here when possible. For example the corridors to the Commcen and BBC and various meeting rooms off them. There's the power distribution room and generator hall in Adit B to come soon too. Along with the Regional Commisioner's office and bedroom and areas of the communications centre. In the meantime while I try to sort out photos we will move on to First Avenue
Drakelow Tunnels Uniformed Services
Here we have moved well down First Avenue and are looking east towards where First Avenue was bricked off to form the 1980's RGHQ. You can see areas the other side of the wall in the North of Tunnel 4 section. To the left at the end is the ventilation plantroom.
Drakelow Tunnels Adit A
The entrance to the ventilation plantroom and Adit C.
Drakelow Tunnels Adit A
Compressors for the dehumidifiers. We can continue through the door on the left.
Drakelow Tunnels Water Supply Room
Here is the main AHU. Filtering/ dehumidifying and recirculating the air for the RGHQ.
Drakelow Tunnels Water Supply Room
Beyond the AHU. Just out of shot is a small fan which assisted with bringing in fresh air. Ahead Malcolm is looking towards the first of 3 airlock doors to the outside at Adit C.
Drakelow Tunnels Water Supply Room
We have now turned around to look back past the AHU. The fan I mentioned earlier can be seen on the left, just before the main AHU body.
Drakelow Tunnels Water Supply Room
Having come back out of the ventilation plantroom. We can now look right, back west along First Avenue towards Adit B.
Drakelow Tunnels Water Supply Room
From the same position you move forward to look through this section towards Second Avenue. This section is a bit of a mystery. We know that in the 1960's RSG it would have been occupied by the Army, Navy and RAF liason teams. In the 1980's RGHQ access was kept open, but its purpose is unclear.
This section of the tour is still very much under construction. We are sorting through masses of photos to try to make a logical and comprehensive trip around the site. It is going to take some time to complete. Due to a lack of webspace a friend of ours is hosting photos for us elsewhere. The process of sorting out, re-sizing and uploading photos is extreemly time consuming. We hope that you will be patient and re-visit again soon to see more. In the meantime the following page contains a few more random pics of the RGHQ area.



© 2010 J.R.Bryan

All images on this page are protected under copyright law. They may not be reproduced in any form or location electronically or in print without prior written permission from the copyright owner.

Tunnel 1
Tunnel 2
Tunnel 3
Between 3&4

Tunnel 4

North of Tunnel 4
RGHQ 9.2
Drakelow Unearthed - Revised Edition
Available in ebook format
from Amazon