The Milwrights Section Between Tunnels 3 & 4

Door To The Millwrights Foreman's Office

Enclosure for the Mercury Arc Rectifier at the top of Tunnel 1

Bay 18

Bay 12 and the Entrance to the Fan Motor Room

Closer To the Entrance of the Fan Motor Room

Bay 40

Bay 21

Unknown Artefact off Tunnel 1

Bay Signs sitting on the floor

Other Unknown Artefacts

Time Office for Tunnel 1

Drinking Fountain

Final View Foreman's Office. Bay 18 Between Tunnels 1 & 2

Entrance to Battery Room East

Battery Room East

1940's Works Tea Service and 1950's Electricians Bay

Door to 1940's Works Tea Service

Battery Charging Equipment

AC Motor Driving DC Dynamo for Battery Charging.

Works Clerks Office in Tunnel 3 with it definitive "Rover
Co (Aero) Ltd" Sign

Door to the Clerks Office

The Works Superintendant's Office with 1950's Graffiti.
This section is still
under construction.
Please visit again soon to see more.