Here is a selection of photo's of the
surviving RSG areas that were not incorporated into the later RGHQ of
the 1980's.
For more photos see the virtual
tour or photo gallery pages. For more
info see Drakelow Unearthed.
This is part of the BBC's suite
from the 1960's - 1970's era. Now very much decayed and in danger
of imminent collapse.
This gallery in between first and second avenue
used to accommodate the R.A.F, Army and Navy liaison teams.
Their comm centre with phonogram booths was down a side passage
to the right.
Phonogram booths used to transcribe
telephone messages. ( Located at the other
end of the bricked off passage mentioned above. )
The RSG's 'Information Unit' with false ceiling
and notice boards.
One of the toilet and
shower areas from the 1960 - 1970's dormatory areas. Note the shower
curtains still in place! |
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