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Drakelow Unearthed
More of Blakeshall Common School

March 2013

Derrick Haden has kindly shared his old family photos with us. Here his relatives are living in the former Blakeshall Common School building in the late 1920's - early 1930's. Possibly as caretakers. No electricity, no running water, or other sanitation. They must have been a hardy lot!

Here Grandma (Suzannah) Haden poses for a photo in the doorway.

We are very grateful to Derrick for sharing these rare pictures with us.


Here's Grandma (Suzannah) and Grandad (Richard) Haden with their 8 surviving children.

Derrick Haden's father Thomas is centre in the back row.

Other photos of the School and village from our collection. Date uncertain but most likely from 1920's up to 1941, judging by the condition of the village and the absence of the factory.

First Blakeshall Common School Page

Unused background and incidental pics
Pages 6 & 7 Extras

Page 35 extras

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